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Knitted by Macho Men

Why not?

Malha-Knitted by Macho Men
Gorro-Knitted by Macho Men

My Philosophy

Most of the people ask me why? Why do I knit? I tell them why not?! Men used to knit until the end of the WWII. Why can´t we start doing it again?
It’s strange at the beginning, I confess, but than...


By knitting you will understand how hard it is to make your own sweater and realizing that exploring people in the other side of the world with fast consumption is not an option. You will understand how important it is to socialize and meet new and old people through their knowledge and making your grow into a better person.

My offer


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Knitted by Macho Men_gorro
knitted by Macho Men_snood


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aulas-Knitted by Macho Men

Knitting for a day

How everything started

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I spent 2 years on distance learning to know everything about knitting and needles 

logotipo-Knitted by MM

In order to reach everyone, I developed my website and since then my art just kept growing

Praça da Alegria - RTP - Knitted by MM

In 2019 I became the first man in the world to knit on a parachute. What a feeling!

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One day, in the beach, I felt inspired by a rasta surfer who was a real master in knitting

aprendizagem-Knitted by MM

After mastering the technique I created my own brand and decided to venturing in this art

malha-Knitted by MM

Later on I reached some popularity and started to be invited to some television and radio programmes

Malha no paraquedismo - Knitted by MM

Besides knitting I also do art installations, workshops, know people and try to be always happy.

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